Bio Hydrogen is biofuel or an energy source that uses living microorganisms to produce hydrogen through both biological & chemical processes in a specialized bioreactor. It includes fuels like biodiesel, bioethanol, & bio-oil, among others. In general words, Bio Hydrogen is the product obtained with the conversion of hydrogen through biological processes using microorganisms.

Presently, Bio Hydrogen is widely accepted as one of the best biofuels for several commercial uses since it suffices the energy requirements. As per a research study, the global bio hydrogen market is expecting around 6% compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) during 2021-26, owing to the alarming concerns over the increasing levels of carbon emissions worldwide. Several R&D efforts are undergoing to obtain it using the following:

·         Biomass Conversion

·         Biological Split of Water Molecules

·         Solar-Thermal Water Splitting

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Bio Hydrogen: Different Production Methods

Bio Hydrogen can be produced mainly by using anaerobic & photosynthetic microorganisms, along with the use of non-toxic & carbohydrate-rich raw materials. Besides, it can also be produced using the following methods: 

  • Steam Reforming

Steam reforming, also known as methane steam reforming, is a production process in which steam with a temperature ranging between 700°C–1,000°C is used to produce hydrogen from a methane source like natural gas. 

  • Microbial Fuel Cells

Researchers worldwide have developed a microbial electrolysis cell that can generate hydrogen from renewable resources. These cells are called Microbial Fuel Cells & use bacteria called exoelectrogens for breaking down complex & acetic acids produced by fermenting organic matters like glucose, cellulose, etc. 

  • Fermentation

Fermentation is one of the popular processes of obtaining Bio Hydrogen. In this process, renewable materials are fermented by bacteria either in the presence or absence of light. Presently, the research & study remains focused on increasing the production of Bio Hydrogen from different bacterial strains.

  • Production of Bio Hydrogen by Algae

Bio Hydrogen is also produced by Algae when it is under anaerobic conditions. This production process is the photo-biological water splitting method performed at a closed photo-bio-reactor, i.e., based on hydrogen production as a solar fuel using algae. Besides, researchers are actively working on new techniques that could help surge the production of Bio Hydrogen using algae. 

Significant Applications of Bio Hydrogen 

Once the production of Bio Hydrogen starts to scale, and with rapid research & development, its application is projected to expand across different verticals. As of now, some prominent uses of Bio Hydrogen are mentioned below. Have a look:

  • Heating

Some countries rely heavily on natural gases, especially for heating systems across commercial & residential areas. Hence, the need for decarbonization is elevating extensively and soaring the demand for biofuels to reduce carbon emissions. 

  • Fuel-cell Vehicles

The most often cited application of Bio Hydrogen includes powering fuel-cell vehicles. However, since the automotive industry is still on the track of gaining momentum due to its shift from internal combustion engines to increasingly cost-competitive battery-powered cars, the application of Bio Hydrogen across the automotive industry is likely to increase simultaneously. 


The production process of Bio Hydrogen involves minimal utilization of renewable energy resources with the help of microorganisms at a specified temperature & atmospheric pressure. The increasing use of Bio Hydrogen is anticipated to help sustain the energy supply globally and reduce the deterioration of natural resources.